So one of my favorite blogs is Being Brazen (click
here to be directed there) and she has this cool post she does after the weekend called '10 things I learnt this weekend'.
Now, i'm no copy cat, but I do love this idea, so i kinda stole it, but not really. I'm tweaking it and creating my own... and i'm calling it... The Wonderful World of the Weekend.
In a nutshell it will comprise of me listing 5 cool things that I did over the weekend... sometimes with visuals as well. here goes nothing....
The Wonderful World of the Weekend... edition 1:
1. Went to a 90 min Yoga class at 08:15 on Saturday morning... sounds like punishment but was super super awesome.
2. Revamped my blog and added some cool widgets that I hope you all will like
3. Had the pleasure of buying a sushi mini-box, raspberries and blackberries from Woolies which made for a great Saturday lunch
4. Took my dogs/ boys (maxi and luke) for a long Sunday stroll in the park
5. Started this feature... The Wonderful World of the Weekend.
I'd really like to know what everyone else got up to this weekend too, so please share.