Wednesday, May 27, 2009

and that's the Truth

Truth. Truth. Truth.

I could stop here, but i want to express to the world how thankful i am that Graeme and Neville started something that changed my life. Introduced me to Cool. To music. To dance. I have spent many a Saturday night within it's wall's, made so many friends, came to so many life changing revelations. I will be forever greatful.

Truth Night Club, Midrand, South Africa.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

6 year anni

For our 6 years, my bf Craigy pants took me on a surprise night spa treat. The place is called Vusalela, and what they offer is a night were you and your partner arrive at about 18:00, are welcomed with a little edible treat and free drinks. You are then taken for a full body massage, and thereafter a nice warm dinner, around eight o'clock you are then taken for a foot massage followed by an indian head massage. It was so nice! Except that for my full body and for my foot massage i had Sipiwe (see top picture, in left bottom corner), who had the strongest hands i have ever come across. Even her 'soft' was too hard for me. While she was massaging me, i couldn't help but to swiggle and laugh. To stop from crying. BUT, apart from that, it was a really beautiful evening. I love my babey for treating me to something so special. Ahhhhh..

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I love Alice in Wonderland. I have since i was 9. We were on our way to Cape Town and my dad bought me the book to read on the flight there. It was a magical flight. Full of fun, fear, walrus', tweedle dums and tweedle do's. I loved loved loved it. I even bought the movie. recently. at the age of 22. You are never too old to enjoy a good mushroom.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


An Ode to Partying...

I love to party party party.

To party is fun.

I love to dance.

I love to prance.

I love To Sha-sha-shake my BOOTY!

Friendly advise

Become a friendlier person

- Don't Criticize, condemn or complain
- Give honest, sincere appreciation
- Become genuinely interested in other people
- Smile
- Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language
- Be a good listener, encourage others to talk about themselves
- Talk in terms of the other person's interests
- Make the other person feel important- and do so sincerely

Dale Carnegie

Monday, May 18, 2009

Eat it 'n Run

Me and my bestest est. Jess aka poo aka Eat it. We love each other.

She is the biggest poo in my life. Cos she is so kind and so loving and so good.

With the biggest heart in the world.

And poo, is her nickname, cos she hates it so much.

The one time i farted and she nearly threw up.

Hence, it's funny that her name is POO.

love you poo.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My lasted reading conquest

So i LOVE reading, and this is my latest pleasurable conquest. It's from a South African author who writes about futuristic Cape Town. I'm about half-way through and it's a master piece. Will keep you updated.

Craig Kelly Jelly Belly

I love my boyfriend. We have been together for over 6 years, and bought our own house a year ago. He is my soulmate, even though we have our lovers quarrels, cos he's a stubborn little smunchkin. But i love him. Forever.

Lukie Smookie

I love little Luke. He is a little softie, so cuddly and always wanting to kiss. You can see from his pictures that he is so pretty. Ah my little smookie!

Maximillian the terriorist

Maxi is my beautiful toy-pom. The friendliest dog in the world. Such attitude and personality. He has started this growling thing, whenever we have to put him to bed, he gives out a low snarling growl. He is all growl and no bite. Love him.

Knowers of the DirtyUnknown