Monday, November 12, 2012

Lovely weekend

This was the first weekend in over a month that Craig and I just got to chill and do homely stuff. On Friday we passed out in front of the tellie before 9. I woke up bright and early on Saturday, got served a lovely eggy breakfast by my most amazing, and then went to a dress fitting for my friend Ulandi's wedding. In the afternoon, we lazed, until we joined my family for cake and tea, at a lovely place in Pretoria called Blos. We went back to my parents place to pick up their Scrabble, and for the rest of the evening, Craig and I settled into a good game (where I proceeded to wipe the floor with him- mwahaha).

Sunday was just as lovely, we again, woke up bright and early, I had a long lovely bath, while Craig had his car washed. In the early afternoon, we went over to his mom's house, where I got to see my most beautiful nephew- little Liam. We had a scrumptious braai, and some amazing lemon meringue (Craig's mom is a genius when it comes to this dessert). And now, my Mister is watching a movie, while I write this blog post, after which I will proceed to tuck into my kindle- where I am currently in the middle of a tantalizing read.

Here's looking forward to the week!

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